With all due respect to dfeed, it (free RSS reader in the browser) has been done before. Here is my show HN thread a couple of months ago:
Love the simplicity! Congrats! What would it take to turn it into a stand-alone html file that could be "double clicked" and used as an application? It almost seems to work, but I wasn't able to add new feeds.
I don't think that would work well, because most feeds block CORS requests (or rather, they don't explicitly allow CORS requests) and you would have to wait for the last request to finish every time.
Nice. On Firefox it is a little confusing because nothing happen unless you reload the browser. Also wrt. CORS, I think the best way in your case is probably to use a greasemonkey script. I documented several ways to bypass the CORS in here:
It is a similar project as yours.
One feedback though: In the "Examples" page, I was expecting to see the websites created using your CMS. However, I see a minimal documentation of markdown. This may be suprising for any developer.
ok that is great to know... unless developers like you don't create a moat around chrome , "best works on only chrome" will continue as this forces people, with even a single tool at a time to stick to chrome.